Questions Archive(Thematic Category:کلام)
What are the boundaries concerning the abilities and powers of shaytan and jinn? Furthermore, to what extent can they cause problems and difficulties for humans?
19408 2009/11/25 TraditionalThe words shaytan and jinn have been mentioned numerous times in the Quran; to the degree that one of the chapters that have been revealed is named after jinn.Shaytan is a general name given to any ma
What is really meant by Islam being the seal of religions and what are the flaws of Dr. Soroush's theory?
9245 2009/11/25 ModernPaying attention to these points can be beneficial:1- The fact that the prophet of Islam was the seal of prophets making Islam the seal of religions is pointed out in verse 40 of surah Ahzab, and what
Does an angel that has taken on the form of a human have lust and desire?
10962 2009/11/25 TraditionalWhat is meant by an angel taking on the form of a human is that an angel is visually perceived by humans as having taken on the physical shape of a person. This does not mean that the essence of the a
Can people have contact with Jinns?
15137 2009/11/24 TraditionalThe Holy Quran has confirmed the existence of Jinns and has attributed the following characteristics to them:1. Jinns are creatures that are made of fire; this is while humans were created from cl
: Do people in paradise marry Hurul ‘In (Huris) and do Huris have only one spouse there? And do male Huris exist for women as well?
16379 2009/11/24 TraditionalOne of the rewards that Allah ( swt ) gives to people who believe and do good deeds in this world is heaven and all the blessings that it contains. There isn’t any difference between men or women for
Please explain the concept of Hurul ‘In and if they relate to women as well.
22776 2009/11/24 ExegesisOne of the blessings that Allah ( swt ) grants to people who do good deeds and have faith in Him is paradise and the bliss and blessings therein. For entering into heaven there isn’t any difference be
Have a group of jinns transformed into stone?
10212 2009/11/24 TraditionalFrom the Quran s perspective, jinns are material beings. According to what is popular among Islamic scholars, jinns have a delicate and transparent body and are mainly composed of air and fire and are
What do Jews say about the return of Prophet Isa (pbuh) or the coming of the Promised Messiah?
10723 2009/11/24 TraditionalSimilar to other faiths and people, the Jews definitely believe in the coming of a savior at the end of time. In the current Torah, there are many glad tidings of the coming of a universal reformer. U
According to you, can a Muslim not believe in wilayatul faqih (authority of the jurist)?
8047 2009/11/24 TraditionalThis question doesn’t have a brief answer. Please click on the detailed answer.
Can the soul, after death, become aware of the things that happen in this world?
32405 2009/11/24 TraditionalIt has been narrarated from the Holy Infallibles ( Masumeen ) that after death, the soul can in fact come back to this world and have awareness of the events that unfold here and learn of their relati
Can a soul or Jinn bother a human being?
16721 2009/11/24 TraditionalWe know very little about Jinns, but hadiths say that Jinns are responsible for their acts and have different beliefs, some are obedient towards Allah while others are not, the same as humans. Althoug
Will a husband and wife, after leaving this world, live together in paradise?
13691 2009/10/22 TraditionalThe specific conditions and details of how we will live in the next world are not completely known to anyone except the infallibles ( masoomeen ) . With this in mind the relationship between a husband
If a woman remarries in this world, which husband will be her spouse in heaven?
13764 2009/10/22 TraditionalWhen considering the status of a man and woman in the afterlife that were once spouses in this world, several possibilities can be considered:Both the woman and man will be in heaven.The woman will be
Is the term "Bridge of Sirat" mentioned in the Quran?
31262 2009/10/22 Quranic StudiesAlthough the term the Bridge of Sirat hasn’t been used in the Quran, it has been mentioned in hadiths and traditions. For example Imam Sadiq ( as ) has mentioned this term while explaining the word mi
Isn't there a contradiction between when Imam Ali (as) gave his ring to the beggar while in prayer and when an arrow was pulled out of his foot in prayer and he didn’t feel anything?
13872 2009/10/22 Contextual studyIn response to your question, the following points can be pointed to:1- Man has the potential to acquire virtues through performing certain acts that please Allah ( swt ) , and reach a point in which
Why is Lady Fatimah’s (as) grave still concealed, while Imam Ali's (as) grave was discovered?
7384 2009/09/23 ModernThis question doesn’t have a brief answer. Please click on the detailed answer.
Why were we brought to a world in which sinning is possible just because of Prophet Adam’s mistake?
9719 2009/09/23 TraditionalAll prophets of Allah ( swt ) are infallible and invulnerable to sin, and what Prophet Adam ( pbuh ) did was that he simply didn’t take heed in Allah s ( swt ) advice, which is not considered true dis
After the rise of Imam Mahdi (aj), when will his universal government be established and will poverty and oppression cease to exist afterwards?
14746 2009/09/23 TraditionalWhat hadiths tell us is that Imam Mahdi’s ( aj ) war with the oppressors and tyrants will take eight months and after that, all countries will fall under his rule and a just universal government will
What is the Mi'raj? Have other prophets other than Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) ever had such an experience?
11599 2009/09/23 TraditionalIn Arabic, mi’raj means anything that helps one ascend and go up. In hadith and tafsir terms though, this term refers to the materialistic journey of the prophet ( pbuh ) from Mecca to Jerusalem, and
What will Prophet Isa’s (pbuh) role be during the return of Imam Mahdi (aj)?
9897 2009/09/23 TraditionalThis question doesn’t have a brief answer. Please click on the detailed answer.
Is Zoroastrianism a divine faith?
10462 2009/09/23 TraditionalBased on the hymns of Gatha, the actual nature of Zoroaster is divine, nevertheless, Avesta’s famous teachings show signs of polytheism, making it an undivine faith. These signs have actually been inn
Can anyone other than Allah (swt) be aware of the unseen?
14064 2009/09/07 TraditionalGheyb means for something to be hidden from one’s senses, and shahadah means openness and visibility.One thing can be gheyb for a person, while being shahadah for another. It depends on the individual
Do prophets bear all virtues and perfection, or do they pass some stages in this world as well?
8483 2009/09/03 TraditionalThe infallibles, the prophets and imams, are all human just like everyone else, without any difference from this point of view and this is something that the Quran points to as well.Therefore, it isn
Shias believe that the majority of the Sahabah were infidels and hypocrites, if so than why didn't they just kill the minority of true believers?
10453 2009/09/01 TraditionalWhat Shias believe regarding the Sahabah is not the abovementioned belief. Shias believe that some of the Sahabah didn t act according to some teachings of Islam after he passed away and that there we
Please explain what intercession (Shafa’ah) is.
13635 2009/09/01 TraditionalShafa’ah literally denotes the pairing of two things and is commonly used for when a respected person intercedes with a high rank and the like for one who has committed a crime of some sort, asking fo
What is the reason for the imams being higher than all prophets other than the prophet of Islam (pbuh)?
20011 2009/08/29 TraditionalIt has been stated in our religious teachings that all prophets and messengers have no advantage and virtue over the imams, other than the fact that they bear prophethood, while the imams are the bear
Are Mormons considered “People of the Book”?
7506 2009/08/29 Traditional1- Christianity consists of many denominations. One of them which has made a lot of noise in the United States is the sect known as the Mormons, founded by Joseph Smith circa 1820, where they began th
Why do the Shia try to introduce the Sahabah of the messenger of Allah (swt) as hypocrites, while none of the verses describing the hypocrites apply to them?
9020 2009/08/29 TraditionalShias have falsely been accused of disrespecting/discrediting the Sahabah while such a claim isn t true. Shias have always followed the Ahlul-Bayt in respecting the Sahabah. Nevertheless, Shias do bel
What does it mean when the Shia say that the Sahabah became apostates and denounced their faiths after the prophet (pbuh) and how is this matter proven?
10189 2009/08/22 TraditionalStraying from the straight path is something that certainly that took place amongst a group of the Sahabah ( companions of the prophet ( pbuh ) ) after the prophet’s ( pbuh ) demise because:Firstly, t
Does God accept converting to Islam by way of Taqlid (following a religious expert)?
7724 2009/08/22 TraditionalWe will not be excused in the hereafter if we have no reason for our beliefs except for a blind taqlid and the following of our fathers, whereas we know neither our fathers are men of learning, insigh
Considering the many verses in the Quran that praise the Sahabah, why do the Shia scold them?
14169 2009/08/22 TraditionalWithout a doubt, the verses you have mentioned and other verses have all been revealed in praise of the true followers and companions of the prophet ( pbuh ) , nevertheless, if one focuses more on the
Is it permissible to take girls as slaves in our time?
6808 2009/08/20 TraditionalContinue...
What is the Raj’ah? Which people are subject to it and when will it take place?
11172 2009/08/17 TraditionalRaj’ah is a Shia Imamiyyah doctrine, which refers to the return of some of the dead to this world before the Day of Judgment and a little after the rise and emergence of Imam Mahdi ( as ) and before h
Does Imam Mahdi (aj) have a spouse and children?
31928 2009/08/15 TraditionalAlthough it is possible for the imam ( as ) to have a spouse and children, and such a matter is in no way in conflict with his occultation, nevertheless, there isn t any substantial hadithic reasoning
Why do you limit the “Ahlul-Bayt” to five people?
9047 2009/08/15 TraditionalThe most important reason for allocating the title “Ahlul-Bayt” to Prophet Muhammad ( pbuh ) , Ali ( as ) , Lady Fatimah ( as ) , Hasan and Husein ( as ) , are the numerous traditions that narrators o